The average person is convinced they know how to wash their hair. They get in the shower, lather up, rinse, repeat, and think the job is done. Most people have [...]
When makeup is done right, it can look great and give the wearer a tremendous boost in self-confidence. Unfortunately, it is also possible to overdo or misuse makeup in a [...]
Do you want the long, healthy hair that you see in conditioner commercials? The big question is what is keeping you from having it? Genetics and your environment are some [...]
Skin - also known as the body’s largest organ – is something we spend a lifetime trying to perfect. Women spend thousands of dollars over the course of their lives, [...]
A facial cleanser is a product used to remove dead skin cells, makeup, dirt, oil, and environmental toxins from the face. A cleanser is preferred for washing your face over [...]
Pimples really are the bane of a person’s existence. They seem to spring up at the most inopportune times, practically overnight. Yet they stick around no matter what we try [...]