Citywide Call-In for CORI Reform!
Posted Saturday, November 17, 2007

November 1st-21st
GOOD JOBS can break the cycle of poverty, violence, and incarceration in our communities. BUT the CORI – our state’s criminal record check system – stops thousands from obtaining decent work. The time for change is NOW.Over 600 people came to the State House last month in support of CORI reform. The Governor’s Office is deciding whether to act on the CORI issue.Please support the movement and call your officials today.
(617) 725-4005
DEAR GOVERNOR DEVAL PATRICK:The violence that plagues our streets has put our communities in crisis. CORI is a barrier to jobs, education and housing for both youth and adults.People with CORIs are being discriminated against, and the waiting period to seal a CORI is too long.We are counting on you to act now. Don’t forget about your community.SUPPORT THE PUBLIC SAFETY ACT of 2007, H.1416.

DEAR GOVERNOR DEVAL PATRICK:The violence that plagues our streets has put our communities in crisis. CORI is a barrier to jobs, education and housing for both youth and adults.People with CORIs are being discriminated against, and the waiting period to seal a CORI is too long.We are counting on you to act now. Don’t forget about your community.SUPPORT THE PUBLIC SAFETY ACT of 2007, H.1416.
(617) 635-4500
DEAR MAYOR THOMAS MENINO: As you know, the CORI is creating crises in our neighborhoods. Without jobs, the violence will continue.
(617) 635-4500
DEAR MAYOR THOMAS MENINO: As you know, the CORI is creating crises in our neighborhoods. Without jobs, the violence will continue.
Thank you for speaking out for CORI reform. Please support the “Public Safety Act” (H.1416) and use your power as mayor to win reforms now.
(617)722-2396 State Rep. Eugene O’Flaherty - Co-Chair of the Judiciary Committee (Chelsea and Charlestown)
DEAR REPRESENTATIVE O’FLAHERTY: As you know, you oversee CORI reform bill #1416, the Public Safety Act. However, after numerous public hearings, we are still waiting for your leadership. We must (1) stop CORI-discrimination, and (2) reduce the waiting period to seal an old record. Please work with Speaker DiMasi to pass House Bill 1416 this year.
(617) 722-2500 The Speaker of the House Sal DiMasi
DEAR SPEAKER SAL DIMASI: This fall, hundreds of people came to the State House to testify in support of CORI reform. We must (1) stop CORI-discrimination, and (2) reduce the waiting period to seal an old record. Please work with Chairman O’Flaherty to pass the Public Safety Act of 2007 (House Bill 1416) this year. Thank you.
———————Call (617) 427-8108 or email: [email protected] for more info or to let us know that you called.This “CORI Call-In” is co-sponsored by the Union of Minority Neighborhoods, Jobs With Justice, Community Change, Inc., Alternatives to Community Environment, Ex-Prisoners and Prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement (EPOCA), Community Labor United, Boston Mobilization, Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery (MOAR) and Dorchester People for Peace