*click to download word doc. PSA 7 Points (HB 1416)

Proposed Legislative Goals
To help create a safer Massachusetts, HB 1416, the Public Safety Act of 2007-2008 (PSA 07-08) creates a systems approach to reduce recidivism, increase inmates’ access to rehabilitative programs, such as addiction therapy and vocational training, and end the cycle of crime, homelessness and unemployment by promoting a Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) system that ensures the distribution of correct and pertinent information while protecting the public interest.

Summary of the Public Safety Act of 2007 *click to download*

The Public Safety Act of 2007 - H.B. #1416 (full text) *click to download*

The Public Safety Act of 2007 (House Bill #1416)

Ex-Offender Resources is a project of the Prisoner Re-entry Working Group.

They have compiled a comprehensive guide for ex-prisoners returning to their communities across the Boston Area.  The guide is online, and also is at Chuck Turner’s Office and in the Dudley Branch Library.  You can click on the site below to check out the resource.  There are suggestions for food, employment training, fuel, housing, transportation, medical, faith, etc.


The following sources represent a survey of recent and widely reviewed literature surrounding the problem relating to unemployment and criminal records in the African American community. The literature documents the variety of problems that record holders face in finding good jobs, and also propose a landscape of possible areas for reform and improvement. Empirical and theoretical work, however, suggests that barriers to employment for ex-offenders will persist as features of post Civil Rights racism and neoliberal economic policies, unless new solutions to combat neighborhood divestment are brought forth.

Do you know who your state Representative and Senator are?

Find out by going to the website:


Fill in your address at the website above, and click “Find my election information.” Scroll down to District Representatives to find your Rep & Senator in the General Court (the State House).
Central Switchboard (call and ask for any rep by name)

On April 4th 1967, in a speech at Riverside Church entitled “Beyond Vietnam,” Dr. King called for our communities, Black people and poor people, to take the struggle for justice to the “second phase.” Even after the Civil Rights Movement won so called “equality” in 1964, it became clear that the right to sit next to whites at a lunch-counter was useless if we couldn’t afford to pay the price of a meal.

American Friends Service Committee - www.afsc.org - peace & justice
Boston Connects Inc. - www.ci.boston.ma.us/bra/bostonez - empowerment zone
Boston School Bus Union - www.bostonschoolbusunion.org - union, labor
City Life / Vida Urbana - www.clvu.org - housing, tenants associations, anti-displacement
Community Labor United - www.massclu.org - community and labor joint campaigns
Dimock Health Center - www.dimock.org - health services
Dorchester People for Peace - www.dotpeace.org - peace organization
Greater Boston Legal Services - www.gbls.org - employment unit
ICA Group - www.ica-group.org - worker cooperatives consulting
Louis D. Brown Peace Institute - www.louisdbrownpeaceinstitute.org
Mass Legal Help - www.masslegalhelp.org - CORI and employment
Massachusetts Alliance to Reform CORI (MARC) - www.unionofminorityneighborhoods.org
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI) - www.mlri.org - CORI Unit
North American Alliance for Fair Employment - www.fairjobs.org - labor, workers’ rights
Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee - www.brphrd.com - against racism, sexism, poverty & war
United for Justice with Peace - www.justicewithpeace.org - peace and justice organizing
Web Programming & Graphic Design - www.capedmaskedandarmed.com/portfolio