*to download a sample Letter to your Legislator as a Word Doc (click here)
*to download a sample Letter to your Legislator as a PDF (click here)

Dear State Senator / Representative ________________,

Over the last two years, the Boston Workers’ Alliance has been organizing under- and unemployed workers to challenge CORI discrimination and the crisis of joblessness. The CORI is affecting our communities by closing opportunities for jobs, education, loans and housing. On April 19th, a coalition of over 50 community and statewide organization joined the BWA in a march from Roxbury to the State House to call for urgent reforms in the CORI system. Over 600 people participated in the march and legislative education day.

The CORI stands for Criminal Offender Record Information, which is a statewide database that tracks any appearances in front of the court. CORI regulations are being used to paralyze people who have served their time and are looking for a new start. Furthermore, those who have non-convictions, not guilty and dismissed cases are suffering tremendously, even though the courts found them of no wrongdoing.

Our coalition represents tens of thousands of people across the state who are held hostage by the current CORI laws. As we seek relief, we implore you, our elected official, to make common sense reforms to the CORI so that all residents can find decent work to support themselves. This is the best way to build peace and prosperity in our communities.

Through the March for Jobs and CORI Reform, I have learned of an omnibus CORI Reform Bill, “The Public Safety Act of 2007 H.B. 1416). If you are unfamiliar with the proposed policy, please read it and consider supporting it. As your constituent, it is my expectation that your office will make visible efforts to pass CORI reform policies this year.




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