BWA Worker Center and CORI Clinic



BWA’s Worker Center is open from 10-2pm Mon-Thursday to the general public.  BWA’s Worker Center provides resources and referrals for your job search needs.  BWA’s has public computers available for members who need a comfortable office environment to search for work.


Worker Center Services:

  •  1-on-1 intake to identify needs and provide services or referrals
  • resume and cover letter support
  • referrals for computer classes, professional clothing, fuel assistance, mental health services etc.
  • access to computer station, fax, printer and phone
  • access to BWA’s Jobs Binder with online openings and job fairs
  • earn BWA’s Work Ready Certificate to add to your resume and be entered into the Boston Staffing Alliance placement database


BWA’s CORI Clinic is one of Boston’s central resource for CORI issues. BWA’s non-judgmental staff helps you understand your rights and navigate the process for sealing eligible cases.  BWA supports the right to work.


CORI Clinic Services:

  • assistance in obtaining a copy of your CORI
  • help in reading and identifying cases that you can seal and determine the amount of time needed to seal certain records
  • advice and access to the paperwork for sealing eligible criminal records
  • referrals to legal assistance on CORI issues (Greater Boston Legal Services)
For more info call (617) 606 3580 or email
*BWA Worker Center and CORI Clinic are for BWA Members.  New Member Orientations are every Friday at 11am at our office 411 Blue Hill Avenue, Dorchester MA 

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