We have just learned that the Governor’s Bill on CORI Reform will be heard by the Judiciary Committee this Tuesday at the State House.  Despite the short notice, we need YOU and YOURS to join us for this hearing.

Public Hearing
Governor’s CORI Bill HB #4476
Tuesday March 18th
State House Rm A-1

November 19, 2007
3:00 pmto6:00 pm

Boston City Council CORI Resolution Hearing
November 19th at 3PM
City Hall Council Chambers
5th Floor of Boston City Hall
Show Up & Be Heard and Show Your Support

Telephone IconCall In for CORI Reform (pt 1)!
November 1st-21st
GOOD JOBS can break the cycle of poverty, violence, and incarceration in our communities. BUT the CORI – our state’s criminal record check system – stops thousands from obtaining decent work. The time for change is NOW.Over 600 people came to the State House last month in support of CORI reform. The Governor’s Office is deciding whether to act on the CORI issue.Please support the movement and call your officials today.
Deval Patrick Picture (617) 725-4005
DEAR GOVERNOR DEVAL PATRICK:The violence that plagues our streets has put our communities in crisis. CORI is a barrier to jobs, education and housing for both youth and adults.People with CORIs are being discriminated against, and the waiting period to seal a CORI is too long.We are counting on you to act now. Don’t forget about your community.SUPPORT THE PUBLIC SAFETY ACT of 2007, H.1416.
November 7, 2007
4:00 pmto7:00 pm

*Click here to download flyer CORI Hearing 11/7/07*
Demand CORI Reform in 2007!
Wednesday, Nov 7th
State House,
Gardener Auditorium

Governor Patrick’s Office will be holding a Public Hearing on CORI Reform this Wednesday at the State House. This hearing is open to community. Come out and testify, and hold the Governor accountable for his promises to reform CORI this year. Keep up the pressure! CORI Reform needs your support.

There is a city wide student coalition forming to support local efforts to make some of the most progressive changes to the state criminal record system (CORI).Having a CORI can mean being unable to earn a living wage in a dignified manner, being denied credit or a student loan, and being fired from a job you’ve worked at for years. We are inviting you to join…A CITY-WIDE STUDENT COALITION

July 25, 2007
9:00 amto5:00 pm

Thank You for Calling the Governor
Demand CORI Reform
Wednesday, July 25th ~ 9-5pm

- There is currently a CORI reform bill at the state house ~ it is called House Bill 1416 (The Public Safety Act of 2007)
- The governor is planning on coming out with his own CORI proposal, which may fall short of the reforms we need
- We must ensure that his CORI reform proposal includes changes to the sealing laws and adds anti-discrimination protections for job seekers.

Summary of the Public Safety Act of 2007 *click to download*

The Public Safety Act of 2007 - H.B. #1416 (full text) *click to download*

The Public Safety Act of 2007 (House Bill #1416)

*to download a sample Letter to your Legislator as a Word Doc (click here)
*to download a sample Letter to your Legislator as a PDF (click here)

Dear State Senator / Representative ________________,

Do you know who your state Representative and Senator are?

Find out by going to the website:


Fill in your address at the website above, and click “Find my election information.” Scroll down to District Representatives to find your Rep & Senator in the General Court (the State House).
Central Switchboard (call and ask for any rep by name)